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Nothing more

 mostra collettiva

"Abbiamo il dovere morale di conoscere l'arte del nostro tempo". Peggy Guggenheim 


Una collettiva di artisti che rappresentano il nostro tempo, nomi di risonanza internazionale come Arman, Aldo Mondino, Nicola Bolla, David Begbie, Claudio Olivieri, Jeff Koons e poi ancora Christian Verginer, conTESSA, Cesare Berlingeri, Rabarama, Angelo Bordiga, Marek Zyga.

Una mostra semplicemente bella da scoprire, anche solo per quel dovere morale citato dalla visionaria Peggy Guggenheim. 


 27 Ottobre -30 Novembre 2022

Via Dondi dall’Orologio 31, 35139 Padova


 martedì-sabato 10:00-12:30 e 15.00-19.00

 in altri giorni e orari si riceve su appuntamento



 group show

 Artists: Corrado Marchese, Milena Bini, conTESSA, Angelo Bordiga, Arman, Cesare Berlingeri, Rogerio Timoteo, Marek Zyga, Davide Paglia, David Begbie, Giuseppe Inglese, Mariarosaria Stigliano

 06 April-21 May 2022

Via Dondi dall’Orologio 31, 35139 Padova


 tuesday-saturday 10:30-13:00 e 15.30-19.00

 or for appointment



Vecchiato Arte

 invite you to the opening of conTESSA solo show  - RESURRECTED -

 Friday  December 17th 2021


6:30-10:00 pm

 at our art gallery in Via Dondi dall'Orologio,31 Padova

Made in China "the remake"

group show

Artists: Chen Wenling, Fu Lei, Li Chun, Liu Wei, Ma Han, Shen Xiaotong, Xiong Lijun, Zhang DhonHong

22nd september - 23rd october 2021

Via Dondi dall’Orologio 31, 35139 Padova

from tuesday to saturday 10:30-13:00 and 15.30-19.00

Other days/times by appointment only      +3903347902523


We are Who we are

group exhibition

Artists: Affiliati, David Begbie, conTESSA, Daniele Fortuna,  Corrado Marchese,  Silvia Papas, Pier Toffoletti, 

From 3rd June to 30th June 2021

Via Dondi dall’Orologio 31, 35139 Padova (Italy)

Opening hours:

Tuesday – Saturday: 10.30am - 1pm and 3.30pm - 7.00pm

Other days/times by appointment only


collective exhibition

Artists: Affiliati, David Begbie, conTESSA, Daniele Fortuna, Josepha Gasch-Muche, Corrado Marchese, Davide Paglia, Silvia Papas, Pier Toffoletti, Nicola Villa, Zhang DongHong

From April 14th to May 22nd 2021

Via Dondi dall’Orologio 31, 35139 Padova (Italy)

Opening hours:

Tuesday – Saturday: 10.30am - 1pm and 3.30pm - 7.30pm

Other days/times by appointment only




collective exhibition 19th January - 20th February

Artists: Affiliati, Angelo Bordiga, Giuseppe Inglese, Corrado Marchese, Eliana Marinari, Mariarosaria Stigliano, Rogerio Timoteo, Christian Verginer, Marek Zyga.

Via Dondi dall'Orologio 31 Padova



Vecchiato Arte

invite you to the opening of Christian Verginer solo show  - LEGACY -

Thursday  October 22nd 2020

7:00-10:00 pm

at our art gallery in Via Dondi dall'Orologio,31 Padova




Vecchiato Arte

invite you to the opening of Giuseppe Inglese solo show  // UNSPOTTED //

Friday  April 12nd 2019

 6:30 pm

at our art gallery in Via Dondi dall'Orologio,31 Padova

 presentazione a cura di Massimiliano Sabbion e presenza dell'artista














PARK EUN SUN • Chiostro di S.Agostino at Pietrasanta • Opening 26th August 2017

Presentation Catolugue Of Park Eun Sun SOLO SHOW

For Information



Per Espera ad Astra • Vecchiato Arte •  Opening 8th July 2017

PARK EUN SUN SOLO SHOW OPENING AT Pietrasanta (LU) in via Padre Eugenio Barsanti 31  Google Maps  ////


For Information



Pietrasanta ❖ 2017 ❖ Vecchiato Arte ❖ Opening 2th June 2017

Vecchiato Arte OPENING AT Pietrasanta (LU) in via Padre Eugenio Barsanti 31  Google Maps  ////


 Finger Food by Filippo MUD bar


For Information

❖❖❖❖ ❖ since 1986

PARK EUN SUN  prolonged exhibition until 15th June 2017




Prospettiva Danza Teatro 2017 // Kudoku performance // 13/05/2017


For INFO E Reservation : Davide 334.1104633



We are at LUCCA ART FAIR 5-8 May 2017 - Polo Fiere Lucca via della Chiesa XXXII trav. I, 237 -Lucca 



PARK EUN SUN  /// SOLO SHOW ///  Opening 20th april 2017, till 20th may 2017

Marble, granite, stone, materials, traditional techniques, constructions and assemblages that become spatial installations, settings made of full and empty spaces, this is the sculpture of the Korean artist Park Eun Sun.Structure and space are the primary study and thinking of Park Eun Sun, enrichment between sculpture and existing orders manages to characterize a continuation made by a careful artistic quality that communicates with the grandeur of the past: the formal value of yesterday converses with today,without invasions, without contaminations, but just as intense harmony of progression with what has been and what now exists. Following the recent exhibitions in Rome (2014) and Florence (2016), Park Eun Sun’s sculptures in the context of his research are arriving at a new centre, Padua. One of the oldest cities of the peninsula and in the Veneto region, a crossroads of multiple artistic personalities who have contributed to its cultural and historical growth.



Via VIII Febbraio
P.tta Pedrocchi
P.zza Cavour
P.zza Eremitani
Via San Fermo
Orto Botanico
Porta San Giovanni
Porta Savonarola.



❖ P I E T R A S A N T A ❖ 2 0 1 7 ❖


10:30 ❖ 13:00
15:30 ❖ 20:30

Pietrasanta (LU) in via Padre Eugenio Barsanti 31.


For information


 We are at ARTEFIERA. BOLOGNA 27-30 January 2017



B I G   S A L E S



Tony Gallo ✥ H O C U S ● P O C U S ✥ F I N I S S A G E  15th December 2016



1th December 2016  - at 21:00 Live Broadcast - TONY GALLO Show


Live Streaming nel sito
link ☞☞

Maurizio Pentimalli


Tony Gallo ✥ H O C U S ● P O C U S ✥ Opening 27th October 2016, till 30th November 2016

Tony Gallo is a storyteller who has made Street Art his privileged language. He enters into daily life with ease and leads the inhabitants into his dreamlike theatres; he allows them only for a split second the ability to defend themselves from the “Wild Things” of any age, through a dreamer changing direction in the most fantastic universe of illustration for children. The Paduan artist chooses the walls after having travelled the road of representation on canvas and discovered in spray paint and the spray can, the trick of a figuration of uncertain outlines. Because his characters are fictional evocations, they are poised between the natural and the artificial, they are intentional appearances of an emotional state of unconscious. Nourished by literature and history, these disguised puppets of primitive humanity come to life in the magic of those who still believe in fairy tales. It is no coincidence that the artist himself is called a puppeteer - in his version 2.0 - a storyteller capable of giving form in a real space to what the viewer still wants to believe he sees.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



ART NOW  SEASON 2016 / 2017 



 Pietrasanta ❖ Vecchiato Arte ❖ Opening sabato 9 luglio


Vecchiato Arte OPENING AT Pietrasanta (LU) in via Barsanti 31.


For Information




24th June 2016  - at 21:00 Live Broadcast - BEATRICE GALLORI Show

●◯ 123 ITALIA CHANNEL ●◯ 127 CANALE ITALIA ●◯ Channel 912 SKY

Maurizio Pentimalli



Solo Show Beatrice Gallori - The cell, Opening 10th June 2016, till 10th July 2016

Contrary to the trends of speed and production, typical of fashion and its industry, particularly in the low-profile one she is surrounded by, the artist from Montevarchi employs artisan creative processes, expressing care, passion and mastery of a technique which is functional to the willingness to represent her abstract universe, made by shapes and primary colors, gaseous blobs and bubbles, nucleuses and sections absorbed in the otherwise two-dimensional walls of the picture. 




 Preview ♦ LA STORIA DELL'ORSO by Enrico Lando with Tony Gallo



We are at Lucca Art Fair in Lucca 06-09 May 2016


Solo Show Severino Del Bono - A occhi chiusi, Opening 21st April 2016, till 21st May 2016

By contemplating the emotional urgency that comes from a different interest for reality and fully living the aesthetic controversies of the 'profile community', Severino Del Bono has implemented a precise representation of the portrait theme, and in particular the power of the gaze through a painting which is part of the universe of pop, by subject and style. First of all, it is mass-produced like the imported tradition from Andy Warhol’s Factory and followed by a long line of converts, who believe in continuity of the subject and in his ability to recount, employing the icon-portrait rather than the genre-portrait.


We are at Art Fair in padova 13-16 November 2015


Solo Show David Begbie - Solid Air, Opening 16th October 2015, till 16th November 2015

The physical aspect, viewed in an annoying and often obsessive manner, is a contemporary feature where one searches for a perfect and ideal body. In David Begbie this reflects and breathes almost by subliminal osmosis with the idea of a physical body living again in motionless energy from which created shapes arise.Body postures and the way the artist composes them refer to the sculptures of classical antiquity, where remote standards of beauty merge with the past that tore apart the bodies and returned sculptures with missing legs, arms, heads, thus leaving only the essence of the body itself.The material, meshes of iron and bronze and metallic nets, are linked inseparably with the idea of a modern industrial compound, which places the works in a completely new context capable of speaking a language which becomes the stylistic tone of "doing sculpture " in the new millennium.




Solo Show Silvio Fiorenzo - Remember me, Opening 22nd May 2015, till 22nd June 2015

Events and stories of the past come to life in the works of Silvio Fiorenzo through his paintings which recount, by means of monochrome reproductions, episodes and biblical, mythological characters or simple figurative subjects on which colourful contemporary descriptions stand out, consisting of main characters drawn from comics and cartoons: in this way new stories are created in already existing stories.



Solo Show Angelo Bordiga till 13th April 2015.

Leftover carpet, old sheets, cheap mats, and scraps of fabric like those found in the back rooms of unfashionable haberdashers. Any mount is good for the pictorial aggressions of Angelo Bordiga. Naturally also traditional canvases, but in this case, before sketching the composition, they are submerged in a layer of dense and highly tactile colour. Oil usually, but any pigment found to hand can be useful. For Bordiga is only interested in the act of painting and is willing to do it - by borrowing the slogan coined by the African-American leader Malcolm X - "by any means necessary." Attacking any surface with whatever instrument allows him to paint... Michele Tavola



Raffaele Rossi Solo Show

To all sailors


Only one journey is possible: the one we take within our inner world. I do not believe that one can travel more in our planet. Just as I do not believe that one travels so as to eventually return. Man can never return to the same point from which he started, because in the meantime, he has changed.

Andrej  Tarkovskij, Voyage in Time, 1983


We are present at art fair Padua.

Hall 7, stand 130

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