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Rudari Serafino

Rudari Serafino

Serafino was born in 1974 near Verona and grew up in a family of artists with over a century of history and this environment full of creative stimulus, forms the basis of his training.

Very early on he discovered his own love for Art, in the widest sense of the term, through an artistic journey where, in addition to the study of figurative art, he furthered his interest in music and design. He set off on a sensorial and physical journey that took him...

Serafino was born in 1974 near Verona and grew up in a family of artists with over a century of history and this environment full of creative stimulus, forms the basis of his training.

Very early on he discovered his own love for Art, in the widest sense of the term, through an artistic journey where, in addition to the study of figurative art, he furthered his interest in music and design. He set off on a sensorial and physical journey that took him along the world's roads between London, Barcelona, France and the United States.

In a continuous search for stylistic experimentation and contaminations, the artist explored new territories in the expression of his feelings, for which he constantly finds new applications: from interior design to fashion, culminating in the improvisation of his already renowned live performance “between Music and Colour”.

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