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Rossato Michelangelo

Rossato Michelangelo

Michelangelo Rossato was born in the province of Venice in 1991. Since childhood he finds it easier to communicate through drawings and images.After high school he studied photography at the European Institute of Design in Venice. Then Michelangelo enrolled the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata, where he is currently studying (Graphic Illustration). For a number of years Michelangelo has undertaken the study of the cult of the Great Goddess and of prehistoric myths and archetypes associated with it."

Michelangelo Rossato was born in the province of Venice in 1991. Since childhood he finds it easier to communicate through drawings and images.After high school he studied photography at the European Institute of Design in Venice. Then Michelangelo enrolled the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata, where he is currently studying (Graphic Illustration). For a number of years Michelangelo has undertaken the study of the cult of the Great Goddess and of prehistoric myths and archetypes associated with it."

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