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Pallotta Mauro

Pallotta Mauro

Born on May 20, 1972 in Rome.He attends the academy of belle arti immediately revealing a talent in drawing.Attracted by the possibility to experiment his imaginative vein on heterogeneous support, he includes in the creative process different materials which show in the final result of the work a perfect synergy with the subject.In his first works he uses playing cards, wood, top corks, glass and plastic, objects extrapolated from daily life and incorporated in a project with diverse meanings.Following, he shows a keen interest for the sculptural possibilities inherent in wool steel, used...

Born on May 20, 1972 in Rome.He attends the academy of belle arti immediately revealing a talent in drawing.Attracted by the possibility to experiment his imaginative vein on heterogeneous support, he includes in the creative process different materials which show in the final result of the work a perfect synergy with the subject.In his first works he uses playing cards, wood, top corks, glass and plastic, objects extrapolated from daily life and incorporated in a project with diverse meanings.Following, he shows a keen interest for the sculptural possibilities inherent in wool steel, used as a support for representations which at first sight are only sketches, but recompose with an extreme realistic effect in the retina of the observer.Thus confirms an extreme versatility in modeling different entities in the most cultured and indicative features of their nature.He exhibits primarily in Italy, particularly in the capital, as well as abroad as Egypt, Spain and other locations in Europe.Dr. Giulia Coccia

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